

Commands of AWS Cloudshell ?

 Commands of AWS Cloudshell ? 

Here are some of the common commands that you can use in AWS CloudShell:

  1. aws configure: Configure the AWS CLI with your AWS credentials, region, and output format.

  2. aws s3 ls: List the buckets in your AWS S3 storage.

  3. aws ec2 describe-instances: Describe the EC2 instances in your AWS account.

  4. aws cloudformation create-stack: Create a new CloudFormation stack.

  5. aws lambda list-functions: List the functions in your AWS Lambda account.

  6. aws dynamodb list-tables: List the tables in your AWS DynamoDB database.

  7. aws sqs list-queues: List the SQS queues in your AWS account.

  8. aws logs describe-log-groups: Describe the CloudWatch Log groups in your AWS account.

  9. aws s3 cp: Copy a file to or from an S3 bucket.

  10. aws ecr describe-repositories: Describe the Amazon ECR repositories in your AWS account.

These are just a few examples of the commands that you can use in AWS CloudShell. The full list of AWS CLI commands and their syntax can be found in the AWS CLI documentation.

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