Here are some commonly used Linux commands highly relevant in DevOps:
1. ls:- Lists the contents of a directory.
2. cd:- Changes the current directory.
3. pwd:- Displays the present working directory.
4. grep:- Searches for a specific string or pattern in files.
5. chmod: Changes the permissions of files or directories.
6. chown: Changes the ownership of files or directories.
7. ps: Shows the currently running processes.
8. top/htop: -Monitors system processes and resource usage.
9. kill:- Terminates a process.
10. tail:- Outputs the last part of files, often used for log files.
11. tar: Archives files.
12. sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
13. awk: Processes and analyzes text files.
14. find: Searches for files and directories.
15. ssh: Establishes a secure connection to a remote system.
16. scp: Securely copies files between different hosts.
17. curl/wget: Retrieves content from web servers.
18. systemctl:- Controls system services in systemd-based Linux distributions.
19. journalctl:- Views logs from the systemd journal.
20. df:- Displays disk space usage.
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