

Internet Security

What is the Internet?

Internet is an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world used with the except when being used attributively.

Nowadays, the most valuable thing is that to get the  "INFORMATION"  and the best and easiest way to get information is the Internet. We can get the information regarding anything within a few milliseconds.  This is not an easy task to remember the IP, So the DNS ( Domain Name System) is being introduced. This is a human-friendly name and easy to remember.
For Example, www.Google.com is called the domain through this browser we can fetch multiple results.

There are two sides of anything or a coin. The same thing is applied to the Internet. There are some disadvantages or we can say some losses also occur on the internet like hacking of the ID, account detail, IP address. Through such kinds of things, the hackers received the detail of the accounts. 

This is also said that " if there is a problem then the solution is also available of that problem"

Now the question rises how to secure the Internet:

What is Internet Security?

Internet Security is a branch of computer security specifically related to not only the internet often involving browser security and the World Wide Web but also network security as it applies to other applications or operating systems as a whole.

"A Computer Without Security is just like a fish without water"

There are some techniques which hackers try to hack the system:

1. Phishing:

                     This is the kind of information or we can say that the technique in which hackers try to get information from people. Some times the phisher behave as a banker and ask for bank details etc.
we should not share our such kind of details with anyone.

2. Brute Force Attack:

                                        It is a try and error technique method. Hacker used this method for key search such as password Data Encryption Standard Key which is used to encrypt and decrypt data. This method is used to crack the password. So the user must use the hard password so that the hacker could not hack the password.

3.Distributed Denial Service Attack (DDOS) :

                                                                               In this technique, hackers command to send data from multiple systems. In this the hacker target a server so that the system slows down, shutting down or even crash. Sometimes the messages are sent to the users in which the links are given and if the user clicks on that link the hacker will get all the details of the users.
So the user should not open the link or should read the message properly.


                     Its a kind of program which helps to reach a system. If this program enters the system it may encrypt the system or maybe get the sensitive information. Sometimes we download the 3rd party s/w and hackers add the malware program with that 3rd party software and can access the data from your system.


                           In 2017 "Ransomware" is the most searched hacking terminology. In which user lock in their own system. Hacker using this technique to target any system cuts the users's access to their own system. And the system locks until the ransom paid. Basically, hackers encrypt the target system and ask for a ransom to decrypt the system. This attack does not affect individually but also firms, a big organization like banks, hospitals, etc.


                           It is the most common technique used by the hacker, In this technique, spoofer uses the trusted source's id for spoofing ie. communication from the unknown source as being from the trusted source. And spoofer may ask some personal details, bank details, or any other important information.so that the targeted person becomes victims of cybercrime.

So through all these techniques users should be beware and Protect their own data
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You can watch our full video on internet security in which you get how you can save social media account from hackers and how to use the internet safely:-

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